I was young in my career and making more money than I knew what to do with when I began to believe I could do more with my life than simply retire. It was around that time when I grouped the initials of a phrase that was driving me, as I thought this is “Just The Beginning.”
With that in the back of my mind, I continued to excel as I began to wonder what other ventures I might involve myself in. With the anticipated proceeds from War of Angels, my eyes further opened to possibilities. I thought about both buying into a franchise and charity, but realized that my passion is helping other people succeed. I could think of no better fit than to meld my network and experience with people who are looking to establish something for themselves.
As the years passed, I was continuing to hone my vision when an opportunity presented itself. After much discussion, thought, and reflection, I decided that ownership in a porn company wasn’t for me. It was around that same time when the door to my career began to close. I gathered the documents I had collected in pursuit of scholarships and the amount MetLife paid to settle previous charges of discrimination.
It’s with those funds that I look to provide capital to anyone, and everyone, with a viable dream who’s willing to work for it.